1, "0" ---- Normal Condition
2, "1" ---- Save
3, "2" ---- Brake lever abnormal
4, "3" ---- PAS abnormal
5, "4" ---- 6km/h cruise condition
6, "5" ---- Cruise
7, "6" ---- Battery is under voltage
8, "7" ---- Motor Hall Sensor Abnormal
9, "8" ---- Throttle Sensor Abnormal
10, "9" ---- Controller Problem
11, "10" ---- Communication Problem (Signal Receiving from the Motor)
12, "11" ---- Communication Problem (Signal sending to the motor)
13, " 12" ---- BMS communication Problem
14, "13" ---- Headlight problem
How to solve the error code
Please be noted that the first thing you need to do first is check all the wires connections and see if all wires are well connected when there is an error, no matter what code.
1, Code "1", " 3", "4", "5","12", "13", these codes, we seldom see it during our more than 10 years working experience. So you can ignore it.
2, Code "2", brake lever abnormal. Brake lever is seldom broken. Please check the connection between the controller and the brake lever, especially those small pins inside the connectors. And also you need to make sure the brake is totally back to its position. Please check the following video to show this situation.
If you tried everything, error code is still there and the system don't work, you can try a new brake lever (normally the brake lever seldom break, it is controller problem) and see if it work. if still does not work, then buy a new controller.
3, Code "6", Battery is undervoltage. It means the battery is not powerful enough to run the motor. you need a correct voltage and bigger amperage battery.
4, Code "7", Motor hall sensor abnormal. First you can check the wire connecting of the hall sensor between the motor and controller, Normally it is the white box connector. you can disconnect them. then check every pins inside the white connector and see if there is any pin bent, if there is, please straight them and reconnect it again. After all this done, if the error code disappeared and the system works, then problem is fixed. And if the error code is still there and the system cannot work, you need to replace a new hall sensor for the motor. If it is 3000W motor, normally it has double hall sensors. You just need to plug the backup hall sensor. That's ok. For the motor which without double hall sensor, please the following video about how to replace the hall sensor for hub motor.
Please check the following picture to see which one is the motor hall sensor connector
5, Code "8", Throttle sensor abnormal. Normally throttle is seldom broken. if there is error code, please check the connection between the controller and throttle, especially the small pins inside the connectors. if you checked everything and every connection is good, the error code is still there, then you can buy a new throttle to try it, mostly it can work, if a new and good throttle does not work, then it is the controller problem, you need to buy a new controller.
6, Code "9", Controller problem. Controller broken, buy a new one.
7, Code "10",
a), Use the display replacement connector. Normally each of our ebike kit comes with a small part called display replacement connector, please check the picture below. Please disconnect the display from the controller, then use this small parts instead to connect with the controller and see if the system work by this way. If it works, then it is the display broken and controller is good. If does not work. it is the controller broken or problem both of them broken.
b). Test the display. If you don't have this display replacement connector or lost it, you can use a meter to test the red and black cables from the display connector and see if there is voltage or not. if there is voltage, the display is good. if no voltage, the display is broken. if you don't have a meter, just connect the red and black cables from the display connector to the battery directly and see if display work or not. if it works, the display is good. and if it does not work, the display broken. or both of the controller and display broken. please check the following video about how to do it.
c), Test the controller. After you did the above tests, found the display broken. But however it does not mean the controller is good. you also need to test if the controller is good or not. It is very simple. Just use a meter to connect it with the red and black cables on controller connector, and see if there is voltage or not, if there is voltage, the controller is good. if there is no voltage, the controller broken. please check the following video how to test it.
8, Code " 11",
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